Prof. Migena Leskoviku

Prof. Migena Leskoviku currently holds the position of Head of the EU Legislation and Policy Department at the Institute for European Studies (ISE), University of Tirana (UT). She was graduated at law in 1998, at the Law Faculty-University of Tirana, Albania. Since then, Prof. Migena Leskoviku has an extensive academic experience of 25 years in teaching at the University of Tirana and some non-public universities where she has also held leadership positions such as: Dean, Deputy Dean or Head of the Department at the Faculty of Law, UET; and has previous experience in public administration, too. Prof.Dr. Migena Leskoviku has a long experience with civic society as an expert/consultant for various local and international organizations. Also, she has participated in several projects in Albania and abroad, as a legal advisor, local or international expert on issues related to human rights, law, gender issues, European integration issues, etc. Also Prof.Dr. Migena Leskoviku has participated in several academic exchange programs and training programs in the USA and EU countries, and as a visiting professor in some academic institutions abroad. She is the author of many scientific articles published in well-known scientific journals, as well as co-author of several publications/studies in Albanian and English, published domestically and abroad. She has participated in many national and international scientific conferences and is a member of the Editorial Board of an international scientific journal, as well as a member of several boards and commissions. Prof.Dr. Migena Leskoviku is a member of the Scientific Council of the EPLO (European Public Law Organization). Also, she has been active for years as an ASCAL expert, as well as a Member of the Permanent Institutional Commission for Quality Assurance Standards, elected in December 2020 by the Academic Senate, University of Tirana. Likewise, Prof.Dr. Migena Leskoviku is a Member of the Advisory Board within the framework of the National Network for Legal Education of the Public, established under the auspices and supervision of the Assembly of Albania in implementation of the National Strategy for Legal Education of the Public 2019-2023, elected on January 17, 2020.

Prof.Asoc. Dr.Endira Bushati

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Endira Bushati graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, during 1996-2000, as "Excellent Student" for the academic year 1999-2000. In the same year, she started as a lecturer at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, first in the Department of Public Law (2000-2002) and then in the Department of Civil Law, where she is currently engaged. She is a full-time academic staff at the Department of EU Legislation and Policy, Institute for the European Studies, University of Tirana.

During the years 2001-2003, she completed his Master's studies in Public Law with the subject "History of the state and laws in Albania 1944-1950".

During 2005 she completed the course (DES) in "European and International Business Law" at the University of Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne in collaboration with the University of Bucharest. In May 2009, she defended the scientific degree "Doctor of Science" in Civil Law. In 2013, she received the academic title "Associate Professor".

During the years 2002-2021, she worked as a lawyer, adviser and legal expert in several central institutions of the country. During 2009-2014, she served as the Chairperson of the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA). Ms Bushati speaks English, French and Italian.

She is the author of several articles and references in national and international journals and conferences.

Elena Polo, PhD

Elena Polo, PhD is a full-time Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute of European Studies, University of Tirana, a position she began in 2014, at the former Department of Policies and Governance (actually she is part of the EU Legislation and Policy Department). Since 2011, with a background in Economics, Mrs. Polo is also an invited Lecturer at the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana. During these years, she has been engaged with teaching primarily in the following courses: Macroeconomics, Monetary and fiscal policies of the EU, Research methods, Economics of the European Integration, Comparative policies of the EU, Economic policymaking of the EU. Mrs. Polo received a PhD in Economics from Tirana University in 2021, finalizing the advanced doctoral studies with a thesis on “Fiscal - Monetary policy interaction to ensure macroeconomic stability and growth: theoretical and empirical modeling”, with a special emphasis on the evidences from a country and a union (such as EU) macro policymaking perspectives. Parallel with having an academic background for more than 10 years now, she is also engaged in leading and coordinating research projects, working with different domestic and foreign donors. She has participated in several research projects at the local/country/regional level carrying out desk and field research on situation analysis, applying multiple research methods and statistical techniques to conduct primary/secondary data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative. She has been working in the policymaking areas of the country development offering to the public and related stakeholders a very professional and evidence-based policy analysis. Mrs. Polo possesses a very good understanding of the strategic documents, processes and public institutions, also with a deep knowledge on the European institutions, policies and practices. She has produced and/or contributed to various important publications/studies in the fields of economic and social development, also focused on the good governance and European Integration issues. Apart from the distinguished analytical and monitoring/assessment skills, she has some excellent communication and presentation skills.With an in-depth knowledge due to her experience, Mrs. Polo is oriented in presenting and public discussing special issues of the country development. To the moment, her research interests and fields of expertise include Macroeconomics; Development Economics; EU policymaking; Sustainable Development and Financing, Good governance, as well as central and local governance reforming policies.

Phd. Noela Mahmutaj

Noela Mahmutaj është pedagoge në Departamentin e Politikave dhe Legjislacionit të BE-së, Instituti i Studimeve Evropiane në Universitetin e Tiranës. Ajo ka mbaruar doktoraturën në Universitetin Shtetëror të Shën Peterburgut dhe mban gradën Doktor Shkencash, si dhe Studiese në Marrëdhëniet Ndërkombëtare dhe Politikat Botërore. Noela ka BA në Shkenca Politike nga Universiteti “Miqësia e Popujve”, Moskë, dhe MsC në Diplomaci dhe Marrëdhënie Ndërkombëtare të BE-së nga Instituti i Studimeve Evropiane.
Interesi i saj kërkimor janë politikat botërore, studimet rajonale dhe ndërkombëtare. Ajo ka botuar punime shkencore dhe ka marrë pjesë në konferenca dhe konventa ndërkombëtare.
Noela jep lëndë të tilla si: Teoria dhe praktika e marrëdhënieve ndërkombëtare, Gjeopolitikë, Politika e jashtme e shtetit shqiptar, etj.
