The Department of EU Legislation and Policy is the basic unit of ISE's teaching development and research-scientific work, which includes related research areas and groups relevant teaching disciplines.

The Department enjoys and exercises separate legal personality in accordance with the legislation in force applicable to higher education, according to the stipulations in the UT Statute.

The department promotes, programs, coordinates, develops, organizes and administers the teaching and research activity in function of the study programs it offers. The Department of EU Legislation and Policy offers second-cycle Master of Science and third-cycle programs.

For the second cycle Master of Science programs, the Department of EU Legislation and Policies is responsible for the "European Legislation and Institutions" program and is co-responsible for the "Politics and Governance in Europe" program.

He is responsible for the study programs he offers, for the interdisciplinary study programs in cooperation with the other department of ISE or other departments outside it, as well as for their respective subjects. Constant care is taken to update the teaching curriculum, to cover the study programs with qualified full-time or part-time academic staff.

The department proposes changes in existing study programs or the opening of new programs, as well as the number of students for each program, in accordance with its academic and infrastructural capacities, according to state quality standards.

The department proposes the admission criteria of students for each study program, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 80/2015 "On higher education and scientific research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania" as well as the provisions of the UT Statute and of the by-laws in force. The department selects the winning students who apply to the study programs it offers, which are approved by the ISE Director, according to the procedures defined in the UT Statute and other institutional acts.

The Department of EU Legislation and Policies can provide services to third parties and other activities related to the disciplines it offers according to the legislation in force and the rules defined in the UT Statute and other institutional acts.

The department evaluates in advance the files of candidates for the academic title "Professor" or "Associate Professor" before their submission to the Commission for the Promotion of Academic Personnel in accordance with the special rules defined by by-laws and with the regulation of the operation of this commission; as well as follows the scientific qualification in the doctorate according to the relevant regulation and evaluates the files of the candidates for the scientific degree "Doctor", before their submission to the Commission for the Awarding of the Scientific Degree "Doctor".

In function of the activity it performs, the Department submits to the Director of ISE requests and the nominal list for contract employment for short periods of time of researchers, local or foreign personalities, to meet its educational, research and scientific needs.

The Department of EU Legislation and Policies also performs any other function arising from the provisions of the Statute of the UT and other regulatory acts in force.


The head of the Department is: Prof.Dr. Migena Leskoviku
