The Institute of European Studies (ISE) is the main, interfaculty unit of the University of Tirana (UT), which offers study programs of the second cycle (Master of Science) and the third cycle of studies. 

ISE was originally created with VKM no. 588, dt. 02.11.2000 under the name of Center for European Studies, and later with VKM no. 1182, dt. 03.12.2009 was transformed into the Institute of European Studies (ISE).

Referring to the Statute of the UT, ISE is one of the main units of the UT and has in its composition two departments as basic units: the "EU Legislation and Policy" Department; and the Department "Diplomacy and International Relations of the EU" that offer second-cycle Master of Science programs and programs of the third cycle of studies.

The second and third cycle programs that ISE offers in the field of European Studies aim to promote teaching and scientific research by being oriented towards the deepening, reconceptualization and reintegration of scientific knowledge, to bring innovation to scientific thinking in the field.

The study programs of the second cycle "Master of Science" at the Institute of European Studies (ISE), UT, belong to the 7th level of the Albanian Qualifications Framework, and are designed in accordance with the standards and principles of the European Education Area High.

The study programs offered by ISE have been built and updated to adapt to changes and developments in the field of higher education, as well as the processes and developments in the field of European integration of the country, increasing the teaching and research level comparable to university standards. western, to be in coherence with the needs of the labor market for European studies specialists.

These study programs are designed in accordance with the legislation on higher education in force, the Statute of the University of Tirana and other regulatory acts of UT.


The programs offered by ISE aim to create a new generation of professionals and researchers, paying special attention to their involvement in academic and research activities, engaging in various projects of national importance in the field of European integration of the country, and encourages interaction with other actors interested in this field (European studies), to increase the degree of cooperation with other local or foreign institutions, with international organizations, that address problems related to the European Union.





ISE, as one of the main units of UT, was created and conceived to develop academic skills, in-depth knowledge on current developments in the field of European integration, integration processes and policies, which today is increasingly of increased interest.

ISE, being unique in UT in the programs it offers, aims to serve as a think tank or as a center of excellence and expertise in issues related to European studies and the country's European integration process, in an approach multidisciplinary.

The Institute of European Studies has as its activity the preparation and continued training of Albanian specialists, within the integration processes of the country, enabling the shaping of skills and competences in matters related to European studies, for which more and more there is increased interest and need for analytical skills and professional competences in the local but also the regional market and beyond.

The goal is for ISE to become a point of reference in the academic field and scientific research at the national and regional level for professionals and researchers in the field of European studies and related disciplines, seeing this in a multidisciplinary approach.



ISE's mission is:

  • to create, develop, convey knowledge through teaching, scientific research,
  • to form senior specialists and prepare young scientists in the field of European studies, in accordance with the country's development priorities, contributing to the increase of the standards of democracy in the country;
  • to provide equal opportunities to benefit from the programs it offers and lifelong learning;
  • to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development at the national and regional level, through the provision/deepening of specific scientific and methodological knowledge in European studies and related disciplines/subfields, to achieve the training of young researchers to carry out the work of independent research, as well as in the presentation and publication of their achievements, as a policy that ISE already has in its priorities.
  • to support the strategic priorities and development interests of the country, especially in the field of European studies;
  • to integrate teaching with scientific research, reflecting the work and results of scientific research in the field of European studies and their publication, which will increase the interest of researchers and young researchers.
  • promote and strengthen international cooperation in the field of European studies.